Friday, October 13, 2006

Demonstrators Gone Wild

Somewhere in this photo is a blond woman protesting about not being able to walk topless in Florida.

Her manner of protest? Taking her top off. She was promptly arrested.

However, a new Seventh Circuit Appeals court ruling has upheld an earlier decision that she can be topless, as long as it's "part of a legitimate political protest".

So, she can't actually legally be topless. But she can protest against not being able to be legally topless, by being legally topless.

Now I know this is Florida, and let's face it, nothing makes sense in Florida. In fact, Florida is like a dark state made entirely of anti-logic... a living Edward Lear poem... a... I mean, it's just Florida, for Pete's sake. But seriously, this is the kind of twisted logic Kirk used to blow up Vulcan heads.

And it seems to be an expanding mindset here in America. If there's no rule for something, make a rule. If that rule doesn't work for everybody, make another rule as an exception to the previous rule. Whatever you do, don't either fix the first rule, or, Lord forebid, get rid of it entirely. After all, what kind of Land Of The Free would this be without rules on top of rules on top of rules that we all have to follow anyways?

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